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TCC Library: Citation creation tools

Library "How do I...?"

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Citation builders

There are lots of tools and websites that can help you create great citations and bibliographies. Here are a few free citation creation tools you can try when creating a bibliography or works cited page for your next paper or project.

Plug in the appropriate information and view your citation in the format that you choose - APA, MLA, or Chicago. Successful use depends upon entering the proper information!

Important: Because generated citations are assembled by machines, they are susceptible to errors and omissions. Also, changes in citation standards may render a citation tool out-of-date. Because of these risks, it is important that you double-check all of your generated citations, to ensure that they are correct, complete, and current.

For more complete information about citing your sources, refer to the Citing Sources guide (linked in the box  below).

TCC databases

Nearly all of the Library's Research Databases (ProQuest, Ebsco, GVRL, etc.) provide the option for you to choose a citation style such as APA or MLA.  Once you've located a useful article, look for a "cite" button or link.  Choose your style then copy and paste the result in an email or  document.  If you are emailing an article to yourself, watch for a citation style choice before you click "send."  The citation in your chosen style should arrive in the body of the email.

As mentioned above, these are machine-generated citations.  You may need to make minor corrections before submitting your paper.

Library "How do I?" credits

The TCC Library "How do I?" guide is adapted from the Library DIY project created by Meredith Farkas, Amy Hofer, Lisa Molinelli and Kimberly Willson-St. Clair at Portland State University Library. Several Library "How Do I?" pages are adapted from pages within the Portland Community College Library "How do I" project, as well as the Oregon State University Libraries' Library DIY project.

CC BY SA license

Except where otherwise noted, the content in these guides by Tacoma Community College Library is licensed under CC BY SA 4.0.
This openly licensed content allows others to cite, share, or modify this content, with credit to TCC Library. When reusing or adapting this content, include this statement in the new document: This content was originally created by Tacoma Community College Library and shared with a CC BY SA 4.0 license.

Tacoma Community College Library - Building 7, 6501 South 19th Street, Tacoma, WA 98466 - P. 253.566.5087

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