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TCC Library: Library policies & conduct

Library policies

Library policies & conduct

The TCC Library strives to ensure that our library is a welcoming teaching and learning space for all TCC students. The policies below are effective January 2014 (updated 2018) and have been established by your ASTCC and TCC Library.

Library polices by topic

Acceptable computer use

All computer/wireless use must comply with the TCC Acceptable Use policy (linked below), that includes:

  • “Games and Internet-based entertainment applications (music, video, or other) are not appropriate uses of college systems” (#6).
  • Students who need the Library computers/wireless for school-related work are given priority.

Community user/Guest use:

The library space is open to the general public. Community users/guests can go to the Front Desk staff for login info/access.

  • Current students have priority use for the computers inside the library; however, community users can use the library's computers for up to two hours (per day), after 2pm.
  • There is a "Titan Public" wifi network that can be used by guest/public patron
  • Printing services/prices are the same for the public; however, cash is required to pay for print jobs (see "Computer use & printing" for more info) 
  • Community users can check out books after paying for a library card which allows then to check out up to five items at a time. 
    • The cost is $5 per quarter, or $20 per year. The guest library card is set up at the Front Desk. It does not give guests to access to computers; however, as mentioned in the section above, visitors can go to the front desk to get a temporary guest log in after 2pm to access the computers.
  • Group Study & Media rooms are for current student-use only.
  • The library does not proctor tests

Food & drink

  • Light snacks are allowed anywhere in the library, except in the Silent Study room.
  • Meals and messier foods are allowed only in the lobby.  
  • No food of any kind is allowed in the Silent Study room.
  • Covered drinks are allowed.

Study spaces

  • Spaces are designated for silent study, quiet study, or group work; signage provided by ASTCC.
  • One group media room and three group study rooms w/ large screen monitors are available for advance booking at the library's home page; the library mezzanine also has tables for group study space.
  • There is a silent study room in the back of the South side of the library. 
  • Group Study & Media rooms are for current student-use only and must be booked.
  • If the above description of study areas does not fit your needs, ask at the Front Desk for a list of alternative study spaces.


Please be considerate of the people around you.

Helpful tips include the following:
  • Put your ring tone in vibrate or silent mode.
  • Keep any phone conversations to a minimum. If the call is longer than a few seconds, please take it to the library front lobby or outside the library.
  • Please do not use the speaker phone. This is extremely disruptive for other students.

Noise complaints

Generally the library doesn't have a strong policy around noise. We realize that it can sometimes get a little loud where there are a lot of people working in the library.

  • We have created a silence, no-talking study room where we go enforce a silence environment. If talking or disruptions take place here, please communicate that to the Front Desk staff and we will discretely address the issue.
  • There are other areas of quiet study, where noise should be at a minimum. Don't hesitate to come to the service desks in the library to ask for more info. We'll do our best to help you as we want to library to be a productive environment.

Covid-19 and masks in the library

Wearing a mask on campus or in the library is, at this time, optional but strongly encouraged. Copied below is some more information taken from the informational page about Covid-19 policies on campus. Use the link below for even more information and resources. 

TCC works hard to ensure we are helping to keep our students, faculty and staff are safe. We follow all required guidance on operating the TCC campus and employ these basic tactics in fighting COVID-19 transmission:

  • requiring college employees to be fully vaccinated or have an approved exemption
  • requiring college students to self-attest their vaccination or exemption status
  • strongly encouraging the use of masks


For information on health guidelines for a safe return to in-person learning, please visit "Covid-19 Information" on the TCC website (

Spring 2022 Update

Misc. policies

  • Unattended children are not allowed in the library spaces or building 7
  • Only service animals are permitted in the library
  • The library does not proctor tests
  • The library does not have a fax machine.

Library closing time

Each evening at closing time, a library staff member gives two reminders that the library is closing. Please begin to gather your belongings at this time so that you are prepared to leave the library promptly at closing time or before.

CC BY SA license

Except where otherwise noted, the content in these guides by Tacoma Community College Library is licensed under CC BY SA 4.0.
This openly licensed content allows others to cite, share, or modify this content, with credit to TCC Library. When reusing or adapting this content, include this statement in the new document: This content was originally created by Tacoma Community College Library and shared with a CC BY SA 4.0 license.

Tacoma Community College Library - Building 7, 6501 South 19th Street, Tacoma, WA 98466 - P. 253.566.5087

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