Tacoma, originally promoted as the "City of Destiny," has a rich history filled with many colorful people who helped shape it over the years.
*For more info on primary versus secondary info, see the sub-tab under "Articles in TCC Databases."
- Image cited below, click to enlarge
The resources linked below are collections from various local institutions that house info on local history.
Since 1991, students enrolled in Dr. Michael Honey's “Doing Community History” class have been collecting oral histories of local residents and gathering historical research in Community History Projects. Interviews are transcribed and edited for user accessibility, and the original audio interview is often included.
Use the links below to find featured podcasts and/or podcasts episodes discussing local history.
Image source: "Tacoma promotional sign, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, 1909" by Unidentified is in the Public Domain
Click on the book, or title, below to learn more
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Tacoma Community College Library - Building 7, 6501 South 19th Street, Tacoma, WA 98466 - P. 253.566.5087
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