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ENGL 102: Davis, L. (Winter 2025): Citing in APA

What is APA?

What is APA Style?

You may be required to write all of your papers and presentations in this course in APA format. But, what is APA?!

APA is:
  • A style manual published by the American Psychological Association
  • Used in the health and social sciences
  • Governs how we format our papers and ensures consistency
  • Includes elements such as:
    • selection of headings, tone, and length;
    • punctuation and abbreviations;
    • presentation of numbers and statistics;
    • construction of tables and figures,
    • citation of references;
    • and many other elements that are a part of a manuscript.
  • APA style refers to the physical appearance of our papers (type size, margins, running headers, tables, headings, punctuation, etc.); the way we cite our sources, both in text and in our References; and even the language we use when describing people.
  • While there are similarities between MLA and APA citations, because APA is applied to different fields than MLA, the individual pieces that make up a citation are arranged differently.
  • Remember than many of the Library's databases will provide an APA citation that you can copy and paste into your References page, however, you will need to correct any minor errors, and change the formatting to match that of your paper.

Purdue OWL guides for APA style

Purdue OWL Guides: APA 7 

TCC's APA style handouts

APA Style Handouts

Here are some handouts (in both .docx and .pdf formats) featuring examples citations for sources you might find through TCC's Library and the Web.


In-Text Citations

Citing Social Media

APA style books in the TCC Library

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