This search would look like this:
Watch this short video (3 mins!) about Boolean operators and how they are used in search engines like Google and in library databases.
Full text: Most of the library databases give you access to "full text" articles from journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. That means when you search for and find articles about your topic, those articles are complete - you will be able to read the entire article.
Most of the library databases, such as Academic Search Complete and ProQuest, are set up to find ONLY full text articles.
Index: Some of the library databases provide access to full text items, but also provide simply the "index" for other items. What index means, essentially, is that the database provides only the citation information (author, title, year, etc.), and maybe an abstract, but not the complete article.
An example of a library database that provides both full text and index is ScienceDirect.
If you find the "perfect" article in index form only, contact your librarian. S/he may be able to help you locate the full text version.
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