If you need to know how to get the full text of a particular magazine, journal or newspaper, click below for the "Periodicals A-Z" database search. The database provides information for every periodical publication TCC has access to. If your item is NOT listed, we do not have full text access. Talk to a librarian about alternative methods for getting articles not listed here (and/or see below)
Here's the result for a search for Annals of Emergency Medicine--this indicates that articles from this journal are available in two places.
While you are NOT limited to using just these, the table below shows a list of relevant periodicals that you can access in the library's collections.
(It is relatively easy to obtain current full text articles for the titles in bold) |
Title of Journal | Indexed In: | Full-Text Available in" |
Air Medical Journal | PubMed | |
American Journal of Emergency Medicine | PubMed, SciDirect | SciDirect |
Annals of Emergency Medicine | PubMed, SciDirect | SciDirect, Print (current 5 yrs) |
CJEM. J of the Canadian Assoc. of Em. Physicians | ASC, ProQuest | ASC, ProQ |
Emergency | PubMed | |
Emergency Medical Services | PubMed | Print 2004-2009 |
Emergency Medicine Australasia | ASC | ASP (1 yr embargo) |
Emergency Medicine Journal: EMJ | PubMed Central/PubMed | PubMed Central |
BMC Emergency Medicine | PubMed Central/PubMed | PubMed Central |
Emergency Nurse | ASC | ASC |
European Journal of Emergency Medicine | PubMed | |
Journal of Air Medical Transport | PubMed, SciDirect | |
Journal of Accident & Emergency Medicine (British) | PubMed | |
Journal of Critical Care | SciDirect | SciDirect |
Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) | PubMed | Print 2004-2009; Online (for free) |
Journal of Emergency Medicine | PubMed, SciDirect, ASC | SciDirect |
Journal of Emergency Nursing | SciDirect | SciDirect |
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) | PubMed, SciDirect, ASC | Print (Current 5 years) |
Journal of Trauma | PubMed | |
Lancet | PubMed, ASC, ProQ | ProQ, ASC (-12/31/06) |
New England Journal of Medicine | PubMed, ASC, ProQ | Print, ProQ (3 mo. embargo) |
Pediatric Emergency Care | PubMed | |
Prehospital Disaster Medicine | PubMed | All but current year at publisher website |
Prehospital Emergency Care | PubMed, CINAHL, SciDirect | Print 2005-Current |
Topics in Emergency Medicine | PubMed, ASC | |
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine | PubMed | PubMed Central |
Can't find what you are looking for in full text? You can usually purchase individual articles through individual journals' web sites and ScienceDirect database. Costs can range from $10 to $40 per article. To find a journal's web site, simply 'Google' the journal title in quotes, e.g, "topics in emergency medicine". (But, check with your librarian before you hand over your hard-earned cash...We may be able to help you find it for free.)
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