If the article has an abstract or summary, read the abstract to learn what the article is about. If it looks like it might be useful for your research, then read the whole article.
Your TCC Library has some journals, magazines, and newspapers in print, but you have access to so many more articles in periodicals that are stored electronically in research databases. The databases on this page are good starting points for finding articles on this topic.
Image source: "Magazines and reading journals" by jackmac34 is in the Public Domain, CC0
This is the library database that specifically collects articles from philosophy journals.
Search tips:
The databases listed below cover a number of subjects and are good starting points for finding articles for your research.
In these larger and more general databases, here's a tip to keep your search focused on the topic of philosophy. Doing this should help prevent producing a long list of articles that have the very common word "philosophy" somewhere in the text of the article. Use at least two search boxes, as you can see in the sample search below:
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