There are gender neutral restrooms in most buildings on campus. The map below details the exact locations of gender neutral restrooms across campus. Click the PDF link above the map to access an enlarged version.
Most groups below meet in the Tacoma-Pierce County area, some meet in the greater Puget Sound area
LGBTQIA+-competent, or queer-competent, medical care is a term that signifies that doctors, nurses, and other medical providers understand the nuances of queer identities and the specific medical needs that may arise for people who hold these identities. Gender-affirming care is a specific example of such care, as trans patients often need access to hormone replacement therapy. Queer-competent medical providers should know LGBTQIA-specific terminology, use patients' correct pronouns, and understand specific health issues that affect queer people at higher rates.
Note: All of the medical practices listed below follow the informed consent model. Informed consent is a model that allows patients to learn about the effects, side-effects, and possible complications of certain medications and medical procedures and allows them to make their own decisions. This model is in opposition to the older-school model that required a mental health diagnosis by a licensed professional, which pathologized gender diversity.
TCC's Rainbow Action Committee (RAC). This is a committee for TCC faculty and staff who are LGBTQIA+ or allies. Please contact Stuart Drake or Andrew Brottlund if you are interested in serving.
For national level information, click here to access the websites tab, which includes many national-level organizations.
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