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Writing - TCC OER Subject Guide: OER stories

This OER subject guide for TCC faculty serves as a starting point for potential OER and freely available resources for writing and English courses and topics.

On this OER stories page, explore: Personal stories from TCC students about OER and open pedagogy assignments; personal stories from TCC faculty about using OER; and experiences from community college faculty about adopting and teaching with OER

TCC stories about OER

Hearing From Our Students

Source: "My OER experience" by JoAnne Eller, Tacoma Community College, from OpenWa, 2014, is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Source: "Four TCC Students on Why OER Matters" by Tacomacc4Reel, Tacoma Community College, 2012, is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Hearing From Our Faculty

Source: "My OER experience" by Michael Elmore, Tacoma Community College, from OpenWa, 2014, is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Source: "My OER experience" by Christie Fierro, Tacoma Community College, from OpenWa, 2014, is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Community college stories about OER

OER email contact

We have set up a centralized email contact for OER support @ TCC. Email, and we will get you in contact with the OER support you need!

CC BY SA license

Except where otherwise noted, the content in these guides by Tacoma Community College Library is licensed under CC BY SA 4.0.
This openly licensed content allows others to cite, share, or modify this content, with credit to TCC Library. When reusing or adapting this content, include this statement in the new document: This content was originally created by Tacoma Community College Library and shared with a CC BY SA 4.0 license.

Tacoma Community College Library - Building 7, 6501 South 19th Street, Tacoma, WA 98466 - P. 253.566.5087

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