Search this databases for Scholarly articles in the field of psychology.
The following handout provides step-by-step instructions with screenshots for how to search Academic Search Complete.
Academic Search Complete, featured above, is only one of several databases where you can find scholarly articles.
Access others through the list of databases available under the All Databases tab. We suggest you try starting with these multidisciplinary databases to locate scholarly articles. Remember to check the filter to limit to Scholarly/Academic articles, and, if needed, Peer-Reviewed (often on the left-hand side or in the Advanced Search option).
Click through the following tabs in this box to learn more about searching in this database.
When searching the databases for articles, do not type in whole sentences, phrases, or questions. Instead, search by combining unique terms that capture the heart of your topic.
Think of other terms that can be used to describe the event you are researching and try those also, such as Depression, Mental Illness, PTSD, Stress; Adolescents, Teens, Youth.
Use the asterisk * to truncate words and widen your search.
Use quotation marks to keep phrases together
(click on image to enlarge)
In the search shown in the image above, you can see that the terms depression AND adolescent are added to the search. And the search filters selected are as follows:
The results shown in the image below are for the search in the previous tab: Depression AND adolescen*
(click in image to enlarge)
Note the filters at the top of the screen, just below the search box. By clicking "All Filters" you can see many of the same filters that appear on the initial search page (or when you click on the "Advanced Search" option to get to that page). Sometimes advanced filters are needed, but often, the option to limit to Full-Text, Peer-Review, and scholarly/academic articles at the top are enough.
When you see an article of interest, click on the article's title and then scroll down to see all the information about the article, including the abstract.
(click on image to enlarge)
You can learn more about an article by clicking on the title. On the article record, you will see the following elements, as featured in the screenshot below:
There are also built in tools to the far right, where you can....
Finally, the PDF to the article is generally just below the title.
(click on image to enlarge)
The majority of the library's databases will provide citations (MLA, APA, Chicago, and others) for the articles they house. Often these are computer-generated and can have errors, so it's a good thing to check the citation against a style guide.
(click on image to enlarge)
Some of the common errors we see are...
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