You can search the TCC Library catalog for books and and some film* as well.
*The catalog can search for DVDs on the shelf. For most streaming film go directly to streaming video databases.
As with all database searches, keep it simple! Focus on your main topic term first, then add narrower terms if necessary. Here we are using a main topic term to find background and related information about vaccinations.
In addition to access to millions of articles through the TCC Library databases, you also have access to thousands of print books, e-books, and film. Books and film offer in-depth information. Because it takes longer to make a film, or publish a book, you may not find information directly relevant to a current topic, but books and film can offer useful background information and related information to add value to your research-based projects.
Shown in the image below is a search for the phrase covid-19 in the ebsco database "Academic Search Complete" - Depending on the film segments/clips available on any given topic, the results will often include any relevant video on your topic. Click the "View all results" to see a page of just streaming options.
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