COVID-19 and Other Pandemics

This guide provides access to reliable information about COVID-19 and other pandemics, and how to find additional reliable information on your own

Articles from TCC Databases

Articles from TCC Databases

TCC databases hold thousands of periodicals that offer millions of articles! Among those periodicals are newspapers, magazines, and peer-reviewed articles that specialize in health information, including COVID-19 information.

  • Newspapers and magazines can offer you information about very current COVID-19 information (and of course other health information). Newspapers and magazines may have a tendency to sensationalize any information, including COVID-19 information, so take care when accessing those types of sources.
  • Peer-reviewed journals tend to include articles that are about past or recent research. There may also be commentary or essay articles from specialists in their fields that tend to be accurate and reliable.

While you may find accurate, reliable COVID-19 information (as well as other health topics) from nearly any TCC Library database, the following are recommended health topic databases.

Search Tutorial

Here is a tutorial about using CINAHL that applies to other databases as well.

Searching and Narrowing Your Results

Here is a screen shot demonstrating a search using the Health Source: Nursing Edition database. The following illustrates a narrowing technique showing the main subject, COVID-19, narrowed by VACCINE HESITANCY, using the Boolean command AND.

screen shot demonstrating a search for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy using the health source nursing edition database

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