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Land Acknowledgments: A Resource Guide

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Land Acknowledgments: A Resource Guide

Land Acknowledgement

 ʔuyayus čəł ʔal ti swatxʷixʷtxʷəd ʔə tiił spuyalapabš (in Twulshootseed)

May we continue to honor this fact as we work on meaningful ways to meet our educational obligations to local Tribes and Indigenous students.

What is a Land Acknowledgment? 

"Acknowledgment is a simple, powerful way of showing respect and a step toward correcting the stories and practices that erase Indigenous people’s history and culture and toward inviting and honoring the truth. Imagine this practice widely adopted: imagine cultural venues, classrooms, conference settings, places of worship, sports stadiums, and town halls, acknowledging traditional lands. Millions would be exposed—many for the first time—to the names of the traditional Indigenous inhabitants of the lands they are on, inspiring them to ongoing awareness and action."

-From the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture Honor Native Land: A Guide and Call to Acknowledgment
(linked below)

"Indigenous Land or Territorial Acknowledgements pertain to all places, especially to libraries, archives, museums, and universities, because it is their ethical obligation as educational institutions to create truthful and factual representations."

                                -From the Guide to Indigenous Land and Territorial Acknowledgements for Cultural Institutions (linked below)

Puyallup Tribe

Source: We are Puyallup: A Brief History of the Puyallup Tribe uploaded by Puyallup Tribe of Indians, 2016, Standard YouTube License.

Note: This guide was reviewed 05/2024. See errors? Have feedback or suggestions? Use the "Get Help" tab to contact us to let us know!

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Except where otherwise noted, the content in these guides by Tacoma Community College Library is licensed under CC BY SA 4.0.
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