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ENGL 102: Gietzen, S. (Fall 2024): Search tips

Brainstorm keywords

How to brainstorm:

  1. State your research question/topic
    • Example: "Do the economic benefits of the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline outweigh the concerns over potential environmental damage?"
  2. Extract main concepts:
      "economic benefits" pipeline "environmental damages"
  3. Brainstorm key words:



      "energy independence"



      oil pipeline

      oil tankers


      "liquefied natural gas"


      "oil spills"

      "habitat destruction"

Keywords can be:

  • synonyms
  • related terms
  • broader ideas
  • narrower ideas
  • alternate spellings
  • specific examples
  • abbreviations or acronyms

Narrowing down a topic

When selecting a topic for research, it is important to choose a topic which is neither too narrow nor too broad. If you select a topic that is too broad, it will be difficult to adequately address the problem in the space and time allowed for your assignment.

Possible roadblocks include:

  • finding too many sources, which will make it difficult to determine which sources to include and which to exclude
  • finding information that is too general; this will make it challenging to create a clear framework for your research

Example of a broad topic: global warming

When doing research, it is necessary to narrow down a topic that is too broad. One method is to generate key words to help you narrow down your topic. Ask the following questions about your topic:

Topic: Global warming

  • What? (focus on different types within your topic) Example: pollution, global warming, carbon
  • When? (focus on a particular time period) Example: today, 2025, 1980s
  • Who? (focus on a particular population) Example: businesses, polar bears, children
  • Where? (focus on a particular environment) Example: United States, Antarctica, atmosphere
  • Why? (focus on causes, outcomes, etc. related to the topic) Example, deregulation, denial, overconsumption

Research Question: How will overconsumption of fossil fuels affect global warming in the United States by 2025.

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