Art Research Guide

This library guide provides students with starting points for doing art-related research and provides some specific guidance for completing the Art 100 era/movement project.

Starting points

Searching for Articles

The Library has some print journals, magazines, and newspapers but most are stored electronically in research databases. The databases listed below cover a number of subjects (including art) and are good starting points for finding articles for your research.

Why use articles in your research?

Why Use Articles in Your Research?

  • Journal articles are more specific and current than books, but have less in-depth information.
  • Sometimes journal articles will be the ONLY place to find information on a current artist or on a specific work.

  • The Library’s databases contain thousands of articles from newspapers, magazines, trade journals, and scholarly journals.  

  • You cannot find and access the full text of most of these articles through Google (because the publishers like to be paid!).

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Except where otherwise noted, the content in these guides by Tacoma Community College Library is licensed under CC BY SA 4.0.
This openly licensed content allows others to cite, share, or modify this content, with credit to TCC Library. When reusing or adapting this content, include this statement in the new document: This content was originally created by Tacoma Community College Library and shared with a CC BY SA 4.0 license.

Tacoma Community College Library - Building 7, 6501 South 19th Street, Tacoma, WA 98466 - P. 253.566.5087

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