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ABE 69: HS 21+ Contemporary World Issues: Research project -- sources: eBooks

Searching for eBooks in the TCC Library catalog

Searching the Library Catalog

Once you've found general, background information on your topic, it's time to find more in-depth information. One way is to find books that you can check out at the TCC Library or e-books that you can read online. You can search the library catalog for books by doing a keyword search (e.g., "bilingual education" or "drug abuse") by clicking the link below.

Click the link below to search for books in the library catalog

Search tips:
  1. Type in your keywords in the search box and click the "Search" button
  2. Take note of the format of the results. You can narrow down to print books or e-books by clicking one of the boxes.
  3. Take note of the publication date range. You can narrow down results to a specific data range.
  4. Click the title of the book for more detailed info
  5. Take note of the format of the book. An e-book will have an "E" icon; a print book will have a book icon.
  6. If it's an e-book, then you can click the "Electronic access" link to read the book online.
  7. You can also text any book record to yourself.

(click on image to enlarge)

Screenshot of library catalog search for language AND identity

Using the library catalog

Library Catalog Search Tutorial

Find books using the library catalog.

Viewing search results in the library catalog

Format Examples in the Library Catalog

See whether the item is a book, ebook, DVD, etc. by looking at the format

  • An ebook (electronic book) has an "E" symbol as well as a link to view the book online
  • A print book has a book icon as well as a call number so you can find the book in the library

(click on image to enlarge)

Format icons in the library catalog for print and e-books

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Except where otherwise noted, the content in these guides by Tacoma Community College Library is licensed under CC BY SA 4.0.
This openly licensed content allows others to cite, share, or modify this content, with credit to TCC Library. When reusing or adapting this content, include this statement in the new document: This content was originally created by Tacoma Community College Library and shared with a CC BY SA 4.0 license.

Tacoma Community College Library - Building 7, 6501 South 19th Street, Tacoma, WA 98466 - P. 253.566.5087

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