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ABE 69: HS 21+ Contemporary World Issues: Research project -- sources: background information

Background information

When you begin the research process, it's a good idea to establish a basic understanding of your topic. Reference sources like dictionaries and encyclopedias are a great way to do this. They provide basic information on a topic.

eBook encyclopedias -- just click on the title!

Why use reference sources in your research?

Why Use Reference Sources in Your Research?

Research, write, and speak from a position of knowledge

An overview of your topic area provides you with specialized vocabulary that is used relating to your topic (you can use these words for searches later in your research process), and helps you to understand the following:

  • The historical perspective on your topic
  • What the key issues are and how you may want to refine your topic
  • Who are the stakeholders (the groups or individuals interested in or affected by this topic)
  • A context of how your topic relates to the other issues that surround it

Databases for background info

You don't need to just rely on print encyclopedias to gather background information. These databases contain the same kind of information that you would find in a reference book! 

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