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Reading Apprenticeship at TCC: RA & RATs @ RTC

TCC faculty guide about reading apprenticeship resources and techniques

Educator Liz Falconer Talks about Michele Lesmeister and RA

How to Get Started Using RA in Your Classroom

Start the quarter off right by focusing on the personal and social dimensions in your classroom. 


Use a Personal Reading History (PRH) to get to know a little about each student enrolled in your classroom. These templates are available at the Libguide and our website.  The value of asking your students about their reading histories sets the stage for a shared discussion about reading strengths, weaknesses, and reading needs. You set the stage for placing reading in the spotlight and when you do this, the students realize that you value their struggles, ideas, and processes of reading.


Next, begin a Readers Strategy List or Lists. This allows students to tell you what they do to approach text. Each type of text may need its own list.


Model your reading. Using a document camera or overhead, show the students “how” you read text in your field. Focus on the signposts and the specialized use of language and structures that help you decode, decipher, and make meaning.


Allow time for reflection and discussion about student misreadings or misconceptions about texts. This should be done regularly and in an open atmosphere that fosters metacognitive conversations. Use inquiry questions to help students own their learning and engage with their texts. Some phrases that promote metacognitive conversations:  Where in the text does that come to light? What made you arrive at this conclusion? Tell me more about the point …. How does that affect your thinking? Does this idea connect with previous texts we have read? In what ways is this meaningful to you?

Learning More and Sharing Info about RA

The goal of the Reading Apprenticeship framework is to provide a venue for shared access to text and to offer our classrooms insight into how you, the expert, in reading approach and process the reading tasks over the wide variety of texts that are specific to your discipline.  


RTC has made a commitment to help all full and part time faculty who would like to learn about Reading Apprenticeship an opportunity to do so. To meet your varied needs we offer the following services:


Professional Development Opportunities 

  • RA 201: Online course for community college faculty available through WestEd. Cost is $450.00 and may be reimbursable for RTC faculty and staff.  This course is offered each quarter. 
  • RA Campus Coach: Online course offered through WestEd. This course will be available January 2013 and it will provide the tools to cross train on campus to those faculty who have completed RA 201.


Mentoring and Face-to-Face Assistance 

  • Faculty Learning Community: Beginning in November 2012, we will be meeting on the 3rd Friday of each month for an hour around lunch to mentor and share RA work. The new edition of the book Reading for Understanding (RTC Library call number 428.40712 SCHOENB 2012) will be used as the foundational text.
  • Face-to-Face Support: Michele Lesmeister has some time on Friday afternoons to assist you in developing your RA routines.

  • Document Cameras for Loan: The RAT Pack has four document cameras available for your check out quarter by quarter. There is a loan agreement we ask you sign as well as submit one sample assignment that showcases your use of a RA routine in your classroom.  Email Michele or Debbie to request an agreement form.  Document cameras are perfect for modeling your Think-Alouds, Talking to the Text annotations, and Reading Evidence Log development.
  • CBE and SBE Inclusion of Reading Apprenticeship: Michele will work with faculty as they revise their CBE/SBEs to include RA routines.  She can offer suggestions and wording samples for incorporating RA into your documents.
  • Chat it Up with RA Peers: Debbie Crumb, Michele Lesmeister, and Jenna Pollock are trained as Leaders in Reading Apprenticeship and are always willing to provide information and access to materials and resources for your use.


Online Documents and Support 

  • Email Michele Lesmeister for quick questions, sharing ideas, or examples of materials to use in your classroom. 
  • RTC faculty and staff have access to copyrighted WestEd documents that are stored on the college's T-Drive.  Go to the SHARED folder, then the RATs folder, then the RTC Use ONLY - Copyrighted WestEd Files folder.  These files are ONLY to be used by RTC faculty and staff and are not to be shared outside of RTC without permission from WestEd.

Reading Apprenticeship at RTC - Documents and Websites

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Except where otherwise noted, the content in these guides by Tacoma Community College Library is licensed under CC BY SA 4.0.
This openly licensed content allows others to cite, share, or modify this content, with credit to TCC Library. When reusing or adapting this content, include this statement in the new document: This content was originally created by Tacoma Community College Library and shared with a CC BY SA 4.0 license.

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